Community and Economic Development Awards (CEDA)

Community and Economic Development Awards



The CEDA program recognizes outstanding communities in our region for their efforts in advancing the economic viability of their community through economic and community development programs. State associations in our region can choose to use this same format to conduct their own competition, or develop their own, and then submit their winners to SEDC for consideration of a regional award.

However, SEDC’s winners will be chosen based on the accompanying criteria and population categories. At its annual meeting, SEDC will recognize one winner from each of the population categories to receive an SEDC regional CEDA award.

Starting in 2015, any member can submit a CEDA entry form if its state doesn’t conduct its own competition. However, if you are a member of Mississippi, Texas, or Virginia, then you must enter the competition on the state level.

"As we continue to evaluate recognition and awards programs for SEDC, we should embrace initiatives that enhance and promote excellence in community and economic development in member states. The CEDA awards program accomplishes this objective and I encourage you to get involved by adapting it for your state association today!"

  • Jill Loope, Virginia
2024 Winners  
2023 Winner for Population under 5,000 2023 Winner for Population 40,001 - 100,000
2023 Winner for Population greater than 100,000  
2022 Winners 2021 Winners
2020 Winners 2019 Winners
2018 Winners 2017 Winners

Apply for the Communications Awards as well!