SEDC Past Chairs
Current Chair: Scott Poag, Georgia
Thank you to our past SEDC Chairs and SEDC Presidents.
Past Chairmen
Sr. Industrial Development Manager Norfolk Southern Corporation (803)748-12842024
President/CEO East Montgomery County Improvement District (281)354-44192022
SCCED, MEDP President/CEO Western SC Economic Development Partnership (839)216-63202020
SCCED, MSED, MEDP, HLM VP, Director of Business Development ECS Southeast, LLC (803)250-33732016
Executive Director Hardy County Rural Development Authority (304)530-30472012
Regional Manager, Southeast Regional Office (601)266-64842010
Vice President of Governmental Affairs Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas (501)570-22632009
President & CEO Common Sense Economic Development LLC (251)752-01392008
PhD, EDFP, CEcD, PCED, HLM Deputy Director KC Aviation Department (816)243-30052004
Partner Sanford Holshouser ED Consulting JJS Economic Development Advisors, LLC (540)598-19842001