SEDC Membership Benefits

Online Resources
SEDC's online resources include the SEDC Website, which provides timely information, allows members to browse the SEDC Directory and register for Conferences and SEDC Events. It includes a Members Only section which provides sample contracts, manuals and other organizational forms, access to bulletin boards, legislative news and more.
Career Connections
Members have an easy, effective way to look into available career opportunities at Career Connections. Employers seeking economic developers can find the perfect candidate by advertising online.
In addition to courses offered at the annual conference, we offer members an opportunity to expand their knowledge and strengthen skills by participating in seminars and other training programs held in partnership with leading universities and development associations.
*Through the SEDC Educational Foundation 501(c)(3), scholarships are awarded annually to members seeking professional development opportunities.
We are committed to helping members enhance their leadership position in the community. SEDC has established alliances with the Southern Growth Policies Board and the Community Development Council to promote professional development programs.
Our quarterly newsletter updates members on regional development activities, legislative issues, career opportunities, and membership events. Members are encouraged to share their experiences through SEDC News as well as contributing to the quarterly professional journal, Economic Development Review. Our annually published directory of members serves as an excellent reference guide to state agencies and professional organizations.
Annual Conference
Our Annual Conference features exciting speakers and outstanding programs and serves as a forum for an exchange of ideas on current issues affecting economic development. It is enhanced by the opportunities to meet with other professionals. Networking, a vital element of economic development, keeps members attuned to activities in the Southeast as well as the rest of the country. The conference period is also a time to recognize the achievements and contributions of our members through recognition and awards.
Meet the Consultants
Economic developers, business leaders, site selectors, and policy-makers will convene at "Meet the Consultants: #AmericanSouth Site Selection Summit" to promote new economic development and to discuss future-focused strategies to accelerate progress in the #AmericanSouth. The Summit agenda will feature globally active site selectors and the Council's expert members. As the Summit nears, SEDC will continually release updates to the speaking lineup.