If your company is already a member and you would like to increase your membership tier or change your roster of staff member with benefits, contact us here.


Join SEDC as an Organizational member today.

Pricing is based on the number of staff who should receive member benefits under your organization, as follows:

  • 1-2: $350
  • 3-4: $650
  • 5-7: $950
  • 8-10: $1250
  • Please email for information on joining with more than ten people.

During signup, you will be asked to choose your preferred tier, and dues will be calculated accordingly on the final page.


This membership type is only for those individuals who are currently students and are NOT currently employed in anything related to economic development.  Those persons presently working and taking classes should also register as organizational members.

Annual Dues $100

Contact to take advantage of Student pricing.

Join as Organizational