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Annual Conference Committee
This committee will work with staff to plan and execute the Annual Conference. Committee assistance is needed in securing sponsorships, planning of educational sessions as well as offsite and special events during the conference. The 2024 conference will be held this July in Savannah.
Georgia Certified Economic Development Professional President & CEO Albany-Dougherty Economic Development CommissionChair
Senior Vice President of Economic Development Ardmore Development AuthorityMember
Executive Director | Operations Southern Economic Development CouncilMember
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee will create SEDC publications, both printed and electronic, that meet the specific needs of our members. In partnership with the SEDC staff, committee members will also evaluate the association's technological capabilities to ensure SEDC is providing the best external communications possible.
Additional subcommittees may be development to carry out certain tasks like editing copy, managing social media, developing content, and leveraging technology. These committees will also assist other committees in delivering their messages to the SEDC membership.
Director of Communications & Public Information Officer St. Tammany Economic Development CorporationMember
Director of Site Selection and Special Projects SWLA Economic Development AllianceMember
Director of Communications Lafayette Economic Development AuthorityMember
Education Committee
This committee will evaluate the needs of our members for the educational resources that will best equip them in the profession. They will also provide direction to the various committees with responsibility in planning meetings and providing online educational content. They will be tasked with forward thinking in examining the professional development needs of our members moving into the future.
PhD, EDFP, CEcD, PCED, HLM Deputy Director KC Aviation DepartmentChair
CEcD, MPA Economic Development Manager Lower Colorado River AuthorityMember
Economic Engagement Manager ARCO/Murray National Construction CompanyMember
M.S., CLED Director of Strategic Initiatives St. Tammany Economic Development CorporationMember
FDI Committee
The SEDC Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Committee stands at the forefront of the Southern Economic Development Council's efforts to attract and manage foreign investments in the region. Comprising a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in finance, international relations, and economic development, the committee plays a strategic role in enhancing the economic vitality and global competitiveness of the southeastern communities.
SCCED, MPA, EcDMP Vice President, Business Development AgracelMember
Vice President of Business and Workforce Solutions Pitt Community CollegeMember
Senior Manager, Business Development Operations Gray ConstructionMember
Economic Engagement Manager ARCO/Murray National Construction CompanyMember
SCCED, MSED, MEDP, HLM VP, Director of Business Development ECS Southeast, LLCMember
Meet the Consultants Committee
This committee will work with staff to plan and execute the Annual Meet the Consultants Conference. Committee assistance is needed in securing sponsorships, planning of educational sessions as well as offsite and special events during the conference. The 2024 conference will be held in Atlanta, GA this April.
Georgia Certified Economic Development Professional President & CEO Albany-Dougherty Economic Development CommissionChair
Executive Director | Operations Southern Economic Development CouncilMember
Membership Committee
This committee will be charged with developing and implementing a formal membership recruitment and retention campaign for the membership year. Activities will involve anyone with interest from the membership with the Board of Directors playing a lead role.
CEcD, IOM CEO Obion County Joint Economic Development CorporationMember
Vice President, Economic Development Little Rock Regional Chamber of CommerceMember
Past Chairman Committee
Comprised of Past Chairmen, this committee works with to obtain suggestions and ideas for use by the SEDC Board of Directors to benefit the organization. The committee meets annually at the Past Chairmen’s breakfast during the Annual Conference.
SCCED, MEDP President/CEO Western SC Economic Development PartnershipMember
Research and Grant Committee
The SEDC (Southeastern Development Consortium) Research and Grant Committee serves as a dynamic and pivotal hub within the organization, dedicated to fostering innovation, scholarly inquiry, and sustainable development initiatives across the southeastern region. Comprising a diverse team of experts with backgrounds in academia, industry, and public service, the committee collaboratively navigates the complex landscape of research and grants to propel the SEDC's mission forward.
Chief Executive Officer St. Tammany Economic Development CorporationChair
MSED Business Intelligence and Marketing Manager Florida's Great NorthwestMember
Associate Director of Planning Steadfast City Economic & Community PartnersMember
Economic Development Manager Mount Rogers Regional PartnershipMember
CEcD, IOM CEO Obion County Joint Economic Development CorporationMember
State Association Committee
This committee works with state economic development associations in the SEDC 17-state region to provide unique opportunities for networking and the sharing of information. Members of this committee will have access to a variety of specialized information including economic data, organizational benchmarks, and educational resources. They’ll also be able to share in a database of conference agendas from various state association meetings that will help them develop their own program ideas. (Committee participation is open to representatives designated by their state associations)
Managing Director North Carolina Economic Developers AssociationCo-Chair
Young Professionals Committee
This committee is designed for our SEDC members, age 40 or below and members new to the industry. The committee plans a separate event each year for professional development and other events for networking. Events are held throughout the year at the SEDC’s planned events.