SEDC Highlights: A Season of Growth and Opportunity

Posted By: Matt Tackett SEDC News,

SEDC Highlights: A Season of Growth and Opportunity


Matt Tackett, SEDC President 

What a summer it has been in the American South, as SEDC members continue to break ground, cut ribbons, and smash economic development records across our great region! As our economic momentum continues, so too does our ongoing opportunity. Our members will not be out-hustled in our efforts to protect and advance the American South’s position as the world’s premier investment location.

Across our 17-state region, future-focused strategies are abundant. Sites and workforces are ready to roll, and vibrant, thriving communities stand as the best people – and project-ready homes for new business. People, enterprise, and economic development thrive in the American South. For this and much more, we thank our members for their tireless commitment to progress and prosperity in the world’s third-largest economy!

At SEDC, this summer, we’ve been busy trying to keep up with our world-class members. Our biggest event of the season, the SEDC Annual Conference, was a hit. Held in Savannah in July, #SEDC2024 was an attendance breaker and an important opportunity to celebrate and promote new American South development. Along with the programming that any great conference provides, this year we thought we’d change up the game a bit and end the conference with a full-on rock concert. And, we’ve likely found a new tradition!

To see more on #SEDC2024, check out the photos and the recap video. And for the first time, don’t miss our conference YouTube reporter, MJ Creates, as she covers the event.

Annual Conference Recap Video
MJ Creates SEDC Annual Conference Experience

As we cool down and head into the fall, SEDC programming remains hot through the remaining 2024 months. Members have so many opportunities to engage with the world’s best economy builders at SEDC in Q4 2024. We have great webinars upcoming, we’re traveling internationally to accelerate American South foreign direct investment, and we’re sparking renewed energy into the SEDC Young Professionals organization. If you are 40 or under, or of any age with less than 5 years of economic development experience, then the upcoming SEDC Emerging Leaders #YPCon is tailor-made for you. Set for October 28-30 in Greenville, South Carolina, this event will unite the rising economic development stars in the #AmericanSouth. SEDC’s YPs and ELs will come together to foster community, delve into the fundamentals of economic development, explore methods to leverage momentum and opportunities in our communities, and discuss strategies for career advancement. We’ll also have the opportunity to connect with some of the nation’s leading site consultants. Plus, it wouldn’t be an SEDC event without a few surprises along the way.

Thank you, SEDC members, for checking out this edition of the American South Advantage newsletter. As we know, retail is a critical piece of our practice, as it not only strengthens our economies, but is critical in our talent and business recruitment strategies. The nation’s top retail practices are found in the American South, and we hope you enjoy a few success stories here.

That’s it for this quarter, team. As we move forward, please allow SEDC to assist your efforts in any way possible. We are honored to be a small part of your team and a larger network that is so successfully committed to stronger American South business, families, communities, states, and opportunities.

Thank you for your leadership,


Matt Tackett